Natural Resource Development, Business and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Næringsutvikling i urfolksområder og utbygging av vindkraftverk som et ledd i den nasjonale satsingen på fornybar energi reiser flere menneskerettslige spørsmål. NIM og OECDs kontaktpunkt for ansvarlig næringsliv holdt i juni seminar om sentrale problemstillinger for samene i møte med vindkraft- og gruveutbygging. Her er rapporten fra seminaret.


Thematic report 2018 – Violence and Abuse in Sámi Communities

In this report, we wish to clarify State authorities’ human rights obligations to prevent, combat and investigate violence and abuse where the person exposed to violence or abuse is Sámi. The report also examines the situation today to better understand the challenges that prevent Sámi victims of violence from receiving adequate help and the measures implemented by Norwegian authorities to remedy this problem. We point out deficiencies in the State’s compliance with its obligation to secure the rights and freedoms of the people within its jurisdiction and make a number of recommendations for improvement.
