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Rusbrukeres møte med offentlige tjenester

Prosjektet består av en intervjuundersøkelse med personer med rusavhengighet og noen representanter fra det offentlige tjenesteapparatet. Undersøkelsen vil resultere i en rapport som utgis høsten 2023.

The cover of the report "The Metaverse and Human Rights

The Metaverse and Human rights

In this report we identify what the Metaverse is and what it may become, as well as what this could entail for people, society, politics and human rights. This report is the result of a collaboration between the Norwegian Board of Technology and the Norwegian National Human Rights Institution.

The cover of the report "The Metaverse and Human Rights

The Metaverse and Human Rights

Chapter: Human Rights in the Metaverse

The Metaverse will present some fundamental challenges to human rights. The more extensive the Metaverse becomes, the greater the impact on human rights will be – for better or worse. A Human Rights Approach The Metaverse has the potential to become a phenomenon that will impact our human rights in transformational ways comparable to the […]

The cover of the report "The Metaverse and Human Rights

The Metaverse and Human Rights

Chapter: The Building Blocks of the Metaverse

Extended reality and artificial intelligence will be fundamental building blocks in the Metaverse, with computing power, network capacity and payment systems as key prerequisites. Technology will increase challenges associated with data protection, manipulation and surveillance. Presence Embedded in the vision for the Metaverse is the idea of providing people with a sense of actual presence. […]